Welcome to The Shaw Mill!

Hi, I’m Brandon and I am the woodworker behind this website and the products available for purchase. Whether you are here shopping or just browsing, welcome! I handcraft high-end cutting and charcuterie boards. I am working on more products every week and if you have any suggestions or want inquire about a custom build, please reach out here.

This website is still very new and is still under construction. I plan to add more pages soon, including a gallery page to feature more of my work that doesn’t relate to kitchen boards.

Benefits of Real Wood Cutting Boards:

The first benefit of a real wood cutting board is its aesthetically pleasing beauty. Using this beauty to compliment a kitchen’s style through one of the most used tools in a kitchen is our specialty.

Real wood cutting boards are very customizable. Multiple different species of wood can be used in one board to create amazing pieces of functional art. Adding to this, just like a fingerprint, no two cutting boards are the same. Each board is unique, and has its own character and distinctive personality.

Real wood cutting boards are also easier on blades being used on them. When a blade is being stopped by any material (plastic, glass, wood, granite, etc.) it will experience a “blunting“ effect. Of these materials, wood is by far the softest, and will not damage the knife’s edge as quickly. When looking at edge-grain vs end-grain, end-grain is the best option to keep knives sharp. Just look at what celebrity chefs cut on. The highest level of kitchen professionals use end-grain butcher blocks/cutting boards.

Finally, real wood cutting boards have a unique anti-bacterial feature that cutting boards made of other materials don’t have. Wood contains antimicrobial compounds that kill bacteria. Several studies were conducted and confirmed that wood cutting boards and chopping blocks naturally kill bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella and Listeria within 3 minutes of being placed on the cutting board surface. Whereas the same bacteria placed on plastic boards actually multiplied and grew.